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The schedule for each job. Print or view assignment information about any job and who is scheduled to it over a specified time period.
Note: The Job Report also highlights vacancies. Posts are required when
assigning employees, so vacancies show filled/unfilled appropriately. Employees
assigned to a shift/job, but not a Post will show on the Job Report, but will not
cover the vacancy.
1. Click on the Analytics icon .
2. Select the Job Report from the Reports section.
3. Select the Period for which the job assignments will be viewed.
4. Proceed with defining the reporting period and layout type.
- Period Type can be expressed in predefined shifts or custom period (start time and end time).
- Layout Type is either single or multiple shifts.
Lastly, select which shifts/shift groups will be displayed in the report (either individual shifts or shift groups).
5. The Job Filter drop-down menu can be used to select specific jobs that this report will display. Multiple jobs can be created.
6. The Job Order Fields drop-down allows the user to select fields that will be used to sort jobs in the Job Assignments Report.
Note: only jobs can be ordered in this report. Use the arrows to indicate
ascending or descending order of job sorting.
7. Lastly, select the Event Fields (data related to the assignments) that will be displayed on the report: Employee, Assignment Time, Job, Shift, Understaffed Time, etc. Use the arrows to create a specific order of these events.
8. Press the Apply button to load the report preview.
9. To view the full report, press the Print Preview button or the arrow icon right next to it (to view the report in different formats). To save the report configuration settings, press the Save button.