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Users can view detailed design information for any base schedule over a specified time period in the Base Schedule Design Report. The configuration items include work patterns, preferences, names, start dates, etc.
1. Click on the Analytics icon .
2. Select the Base Schedule Design Report from Reports section.
3. Select the Period that the user desires to view the base schedule configuration for. The period can be set for a specific Start and End date or relative dates based on the base schedule's configuration.
4. In addition, a Day Format can be set for each day of the base schedule the user desires to view the base schedule configuration for. Click on the question mark button to see all available formats.
Note: If the user desires to view the current week of base schedule
configuration, check the Relative Days checkbox.
5. Select the desired base schedules from the Filter Base Schedules drop-down. You can select a specific base schedule(s) or group(s) of base schedules. You can either choose to meet all or any of the following conditions.
6. Then select which Preferences Dimensions to display on the Base Schedule Design Report (Job, Shift, Job Location, Asset, etc.). The preferences dimension options will vary based on the domain's configuration.
7. Indicate the number of Top Preferences Number to display on the Base Schedule Design Report (1st Preference, 2nd Preference, etc.). The preference number in each base schedule is limited to the specific configuration of the base schedule.
Note: Each base schedule can have a different number of preferences.
8. Lastly, select any Display Fields (generally base schedule related, such as name, short name, work pattern, etc.) to show on the report. Click on the arrow icons to move the order of display fields around in addition to sorting it in ascending or descending order.
9. Press the Apply button to load the report preview.
10. To view the full report, press on the Print Preview button or on the arrow icon right next to it (to view the report in different formats). To save the report configuration settings, press on Save button.