Roster Actions: Search for an Employee
The user can search for a specific employee on the Roster using two of the following methods:
Method 1
1) On the Roster page, select the Actions icon from the navigation menu.
2) Click on the Search Employees option.
3) A Search panel will appear on the top right-hand side of the Roster.
4) Type in the employee name that you want to search for in the Search panel and click enter or search button.
Note: There are a few things to note with the search functionality. You do not have to enter the entire name of employee, you can type in the first few letters (if necessary). The system will identify anyone who has this letter combination and will allow you to search through that group of employees. Use up and down arrows next to search field to navigate from one name to another.
5) When a specific employee is found, his/her name will be highlighted in yellow.
Method 2
1) On the Roster page, click on Ctrl+F on your keyboard.
2) A Search panel will appear on the top right-hand side of the Roster.
3) The rest of the steps to find an employee is described in Method 1 section above (steps 4-5).