Leave Balance Management enables the user to keep track of employee leave hours. The user can observe and manage (if needed) the given leave balances and the remaining leave balances for each employee.
Ledger: refers to the sum of all leave balance activities within the current accounting period up to the chosen date. Example: Employee started with a 10-hour leave balance, and has been scheduled for a 3-hour leave one week from now. The ledger balance will show 10 hours.
Available: refers to the sum of all leave balance activities within the current accounting period. Example: Employee started with a 10-hour leave balance, and has been scheduled for a 3-hour leave one week from now. The available balance will show 7 hours as of today.
Leave Balance Activity: refers to the addition of leave balance, the subtraction of leave balance, and the scheduling of leaves in the future.
Associate/Disassociate Leaves with Employees
1. Click on the Leave Management icon .
2. Select Balance Management from the Balances section.
3. From the drop-down , select the Accounting Period you wish to work with.
4. Press the Bulk Edit button in the top left.
5. Select the box or boxes that you wish to associate for the target employee(s) and leave type.
Note: if you desire to select the entire column or row, click on the
column header (leave type) or the row header (employee), respectively.
6. Press the Leave Types button in the top left.
7. Then select Associate from the Action drop-down and indicate the validity period for the action in From and To fields.
Note: if the action is valid indefinitely, leave the From and To fields blank.
8. Press the OK button.
9. Press the Save button.
Note: To disassociate a leave from employee(s), follow all steps above, but in
step 6, select Disassociate from the Action drop-down.
Add/Subtract/Modify Employee Leave Balances
1. Press the Bulk Edit button in the top left.
2. Select the box or boxes that you wish to associate for the target employee(s) and leave type.
Note: if you desire to select the entire column or row, click on the column
header (leave type) or the row header (employee), respectively.
3. Then press the Balances button in the top left.
4. Select Add Balance from the Action drop-down , populate the number of leave units in the Amount field (pick appropriate unit measure) and indicate the effective date and time in the Effective Date field.
Note: if the Action is valid starting from now, leave the Effective Date field
5. Press the OK button.
6. Press the Save button.
-To subtract a leave balance from employee(s), follow all of the steps
above, but in step 4, select Subtract Balance option from Action drop-down
-If a balance has been added with a future Effective Date, the calendar at the
top of the page
will have to be adjusted to see the changes in the leave
Consumed Balance Report
The user is able to obtain amounts for used Leaves through the Consumed Balance Report.
1. Click on the Leave Management icon .
2. Select Balance Management from the Balances section.
3. From the drop-down menu select the corresponding Accounting Period.
4. Press the Settings Wheel icon in the bottom left corner of the navigation menu.
5. From the Screen Mode drop-down select Consumed Balance Report.
6. Press the Apply button.
7. From the drop-down menu, select the desired time frame for the report.
Note: Use the double arrows buttonto select a specific date range.
Continue to Leave Balance Consumption Overrides