An Indeavor Scheduler or Administrator can assign a Base Schedule to an employee(s) to associate the employee(s) with their standard days on/off and preferences. Assigning an employee to a Base Schedule will automatically display the days on/days off patterns on the roster, no generation is needed to display days on/off.
- Click on the Administration icon
- Select Base Schedule Management from the Employee Management section.
- Click on the Base Schedule Assignments tab.
Select the desired employee from the Employees panel, by clicking next to their name. Their row will become highlighted.
- Under the Base Schedule column, locate the desired base schedule. Use the search bar to help narrow done your options.
- Press the down arrow
next to the desired base schedule to define the Start and End times.
- Press the DONE button.
Only one base schedule can be assigned to each employee at a time, although
upcoming changes can be accommodated by ending one Base Schedule Assignment
and beginning a new one. See instructions below.
For Mass Changes: Multiple Employees can also be assigned to a Base Schedules
by first selecting the Base Schedule, then selecting Employees.
To transition an Employee from one Base Schedule to another, follow the steps below.
- Click on the Administration icon
- Select Base Schedule Management from the Employee Management section.
- Click on the Base Schedule Assignments tab.
- Locate the desired employee. You can use the search bar to narrow down the employee list.
- Click the dropdown arrow next to their assigned base schedule
- Click the pencil icon to edit the assignment dates.
- Enter your desired 'To' date. and click the green check.
- The SAVE.
- Now it is time to give them their NEW base schedule. Click next to the employee's name again to highlight their row.
- Under the Base Schedule column, locate the desired base schedule. Use the search bar to help narrow done your options.
- Press the down arrow
next to the desired base schedule to define the Start and End times.
- Press the DONE button
The employee is assigned to the new Base Schedule as of the day in the Assignment Date field. The old Base Schedule Assignment is given an end date of the date in the Assignment Date field.
For the new Base Schedule assignments to be created on the Roster the next step is to
generate a schedule for one employee or all employees.