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New & Upcoming Features, Release Notes, Known Issues & Status
Release Notes
Workloud 2.2.0 (11/30/2017)
2.2.0 (11/30/2017)
New Features & Functionality
Time & Attendance - Time Sheet & Time Card - Workflow Improvement - Filtering and Sorting options added, and Next-Previous button added.
Time & Attendance - Special Pay Leave Pay Out now available in 1 entry for more than 23 hours.
Time & Attendance - Exceptions Report - Now available by Pay Period, and user can now filter by exception.
Time & Attendance - Special Holiday Pay Holiday Pay is allowed on top of premium payment, based on rules.
Time & Attendance - Overtime now available as a "Hard" or "Soft" Exception.
Time & Attendance - Employee Attestation now available on web & mobile.
Time & Attendance - RDO (Regular Day Off) Zone rules now definable.
Time & Attendance - Probation Period now definable for use with Time & Attendance - Attendance Rules.
Leave Requests - Employees requesting and Admins approving leave can now communicate via the Note field.
Leave Requests - Mobile notes now available.
Leave Requests in ESS can now distinguish via color an Approved Leave versus a Requested Cancellation.
Roster - Viewing is getting easier, a h ighlight feature is available to better focus on a particular line.
Roster - Maintain roster sorting/filtering until changed or a new viewing profile is selected even through page refreshes or switching pages/OUs.
Roster - Employee date of birth and gender now available on the Roster.
Roster - Employee info columns width can now be saved to the user's Profile.
Roster - Holidays are now able to be removed from the view.
Roster - Schedule Generation Completion box will automatically close when generation is complete unless the "enable auditing" box is checked.
Security - First Time Login - No longer requires the the employee to enter in their credentials after a password change.
Additional Keyboard Shortcuts added.
Employee Management - All fields now available to add a value extractor making them viewable on the Roster and in many reports.
Employee Assignment Report - Hours field is now available.
ESS Notification - Leave Type added to definition and message.
Workloud - Time Clocks - Error logs enhanced and additional troubleshooting information now available.
Reports - Headers, if defined now display on reports.
Bugs Resolved
Time & Attendance - Time Sheet - Refreshing the page no longer creates duplicate entries.
Time & Attendance - Time Sheet - In/Out lunch punches now displayed on same line.
Time & Attendance - Time Sheet - Exceptions filter "Soft" option, and Sign Off added.
Time & Attendance - Offline Punches - In/Out and Out/In punches no longer flipped in Attendance Actuals.
Time & Attendance - Scheduled Overtime is now available on the Time Sheet, and no longer requires an additional entry.
Time Sheet Anywhere (Mobile) - Labor Codes now displayed in alphabetical order.
Employee Inactivations - Future dated inactivations no longer start immediately .
Roster - Vacation instances no longer show outside of the selected date range.
API - Employee Inactivations processed through the API will now behave like Workloud (web) transactions. B oth Inactivation and Orphan status will occur, releasing all possible relationships with other entitie s.
API - Jobs import now identifies and doesn't process duplicate entries.
Swapping (web & mobile) - Employees view limited to the posted roster date range.
Swapping (web & mobile) - Only available to employees within the same Organizational Unit.
ESS Swapping - now works on Internet Explorer.
Payroll Report - Rounding errors fixed.
Qualification Report - Last Day Worked column now updating with Roster updates.
Job Report - Employee from other OUs no longer improperly displayed.
Auto Qualify - with Base Schedules now works properly for new base schedules.
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