Demand Planning
This release fixes several issues issues with demand import:
- The demand import will not delete demands created within the same import
- The demand import will allow multiple demands to process without requiring a match on every one for a demand to be maintained
- Fixes the way OUs are handled in demand import scopes and no longer requires certain parameters
This release also and introduces the Biggest Wins conflict resolution option.
- When Biggest Wins conflict resolution option is enabled, overlapping demands will select the labor demand template with the highest minimum value.
*Demands API targets Reporting App, New Demand Planning App and Mass Demand Deletion API.
Indeavor Skills API (Skills API, Indeavor Schedule, Administration App, Indeavor API, Settings API, Identity)
This release is a beta release of the Indeavor Skills API. The Indeavor Skills API is not yet available for general use.
If Indeavor Skills interests you, please reach out to your CSM to discuss the possibility of becoming an Early Adopter of the feature!
*Indeavor API targets Administration, Advanced Features, ACU Tool, Approval Tool, Call Out, Indeavor Engage, Roles, Roll Call and Skills Apps. *Settings API targets Administration and Advanced Features apps. Users should be unaffected.