Labor Demand Templates are the staffing requirements to produce a particular product. This article will walk through the steps of creating a labor demand template using the Demand Planning Tool.
1. On the Indeavor Home Page, select the Demand Planning icon
- Make sure you're accessing data in the correct OU by checking the OU selected on the top-right corner of the webpage
2. Select the Labor Demand Templates icon located on the left-hand side of the page
3. Select the Create Template or New Template button to begin creating a new Labor Demand Template
4. Populate the following information before selecting the Continue to Dimensions button:
- Template Name of the Labor Demand Template
- Short Name of the Labor Demand Template
- If needed, the Demand Category that the Labor Demand Template is tied to
- If needed, the Location on which the Labor Demand Template can be enabled
5. Under the Dimensions section, do the following before selecting the Add this Dimension button:
- Use the drop-down menus to select the Job, Shift, Demand Category, and Location for the dimension being created
- Select the appropriate Start Offset and End Offset for the dimension if they are a time offset from the start and end times that the Labor Demand Template will be applied for
- Select the staffing level required by adjusting the Employee Count
Note: If the Employee Count values are all the same, just fill out the minimum value
and the others will be set to the minimum value. The minimum value can never be greater
than the optimum value and the optimum value can never be greater than the maximum value.
6. Repeat Step 5 to add additional dimensions until all the needed dimensions are added to the Labor Demand Template
7. Select the Review Template button to review the information on the Labor Demand Template
8. Select the Save Template button to save the template