Labor Scenarios allow Labor Demand Templates to be associated with each other, allowing users to simply turn these entire scenarios on or off as their organization’s state changes. This article will walk through the steps of restoring a labor scenario to an older version of itself using the Demand Planning Tool.
1. On the Indeavor Home Page, select the Demand Planning icon
- Make sure you're accessing data in the correct OU by checking the OU selected on the top-right corner of the webpage
2. Select the Labor Scenarios iconlocated on the left-hand side of the page
3. Locate the Labor Scenario that needs to be restored, in the Actions column on the far right-hand side of the page and hover over the row and select the Pencil icon to edit
4. Select the Copy Previous Version button
Note: If there is only one version of the Labor Scenario, this button will
be greyed out.
5. Navigate the version of the Labor Scenario that will be restored, select the Dot icon , and then select the Copy Selected button
- If all you want was to restore the older version of the Labor Scenario, continue to Template Rotations by selecting the Continue to Rotations→ button and skip to Step 10
6. Update the following if necessary before selecting the Continue to Rotations→ button :
- Scenario Name of the Labor Scenario
- Short Name of the Labor Scenario
- If necessary, the Anchor Date of the Labor Scenario
Note: The Anchor Date determines the effective date that Labor Scenario will start on.
- If necessary, the External System Mappings and Mappings so the integration can identify your scenario
Note: This is only applicable if there is an ERP integration in place. Reference your
integration design documentation to determine what is necessary. - If needed, the Demand Category and Location associated with the Labor Scenario
Note: The Duration of an existing Labor Scenario cannot be modified. If the Duration needs
to be updated, you will need to create a new Labor Scenario.
7. If necessary, to add a new Template Rotation, select the +Add Template Rotation button
- Populate the following information before selecting the Add Rotation button:
- Shift or Time the Labor Demand Scenario should be demanded at
- Day in the pattern the Labor Demand Scenario belongs on
- Demand Template being rotated in the Labor Scenario
- Repeat the steps above to add additional rotations until all the needed rotations are added to the Labor Scenario
8. If necessary, to remove an existing rotation, right-click on the timeline and select the Remove Rotation button
9. If necessary, to modify an existing rotation, right-click on the timeline and select the Edit Rotation button and update the following before selecting the Update Rotation button:
- Shift or Time the Labor Demand Scenario should be demanded at
- Day in the pattern the Labor Demand Scenario belongs on
- Demand Template being rotated in the Labor Scenario
10. Select the Save Scenario button to save the modifications made to the existing Labor Scenario