Digital Display Preparation Checklist
☐ Set sleep settings to “Never” on the connected device
☐ Set display orientation to Portrait or Landscape based on preference
☐ Set Windows Updates to “Manual” (Updates should be managed by local IT so the device can be updated and logins controlled)
☐ Check restart settings to ensure device doesn’t have a recurring restart cadence
☐ Ensure PC user does not have auto logout/lock settings
☐ Enable Full Screen mode
☐ Set browser zoom settings to display desired scale of Indeavor
☐ Set device scale and layout settings to support optimal viewing
☐ Avoid using incognito version of the browser
☐ Please refer to the Indeavor Browser Requirements for which setting to enable.
☐ Set the Roster to the appropriate Scale. How to change the scale.
☐ Select “Auto-refresh data periodically” in the saved Viewing Profile – See Display Configuration SOP for more information
☐ Users responsible for maintaining facility displays should sign up to receive Indeavor release notifications (some Indeavor release updates may require cache clearing or log out/log in)
☐ Ensure the Indeavor URL is not blocked by a firewall, recommend to whitelist.
☐ Windows or Mac OS
☐ Browser versions supported: Chrome & Edge (latest 2 versions).