Settings API
This release is preparatory for upcoming extensions to internal Indeavor tools. Users should not be impacted by this release.
Communications API
This release is preparatory for upcoming extensions to internal Indeavor tools. Users should not be impacted by this release.
Skills API
This release is preparatory for upcoming extensions to internal Indeavor tools. Users should not be impacted by this release.
Reporting App & API
Labor Distribution Report data management flow bug fix - Users should no longer get an error when they generate a report.
Indeavor Connect
Http timeout error fix when executing jobs via Indeavor Connect.
Indeavor Schedule
Loud Tool error fix - Users should be able to use Loud Tool without intermittent errors seen before.
Loud Tool workflow involving Special Assignments is fixed - Users should be able to make assignments in the tool with adjacent Special Assignments being placed on the correct day.
New and missing localizations were added for multiple languages across variety of pages - Users should see some previously missing translations.
Employee Leave Requests export fix for extracting leave's date - Users should be able to see the date the exported leave belongs to based on employee's Primary Organizational Unit.
Versioning (Indeavor Schedule 3.1.2, Reporting App 0.5.2, Reporting API 1.0.1, Settings API 0.5.1, Communications API 3.2.4, Skills API 0.1.1 Indeavor Connect 1.1.3)