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Workloud 1.30.5 (09/10/15)
- Employee ability to see quota open and close dates on annual leave planning and leave calendar
- Home shift leaves
- Add employee attributes and aggregate values to Job Assignment report
- Ability to limit slots for requesting based on leave balance limits per employee
- Enhance compliance functionality to allow for covered and non-covered assignments
- Max tasks worked in a period constraint
- Auto-approve leave on days on that have an assignment configuration options
- Leave request improvements
- Employee inactivation date ranges
- Ability to filter to specific leave types and volunteer opportunities in problem solving
- Improved slot and preference selection in annual leave planning
- Ability to import employee contact information
- Add contact information to employee management main page, roster detail fields, problem solving detail fields, and reports
- Expose face punch in attendance actuals
- Exceptions based on work assignment duration
- Shift premium pay for PTO/Holiday/Holiday Credit and ability to map select non-worked time entries to home shift
- Ability to map attendance violations to multiple attendance buckets
- Enhanced timesheet navigability - switch between employees and pay periods
- Combo rules for dimension pay code conflicts by pay rule set
- Pay rule for base paycode
- Configure clock locations in application
- Display clock location in attendance actuals
- Relative volunteering opportunities
- Ability to sort by employee last name and hire date in schedule method builder and problem solving
- Enhanced implicit preference management
- Add event filters to schedule and employee assignment report
- Enhanced hover details for aggregate events on roster
- Enhanced sorting ability by employee bids for bid line assignment screen
- Enhance bid assignments report to include bid preferences and awarding workflow
- Ability to approve multiple leaves in advance leave planning
- Filter unqualified items from create/modify assignment post drop-down
- Edit employee contact information via web employee self-service
- Enhance advance leave planning approval method to include option for home shift
- Enhanced volunteering across day divide functionality
- Enhanced leave across day divide functionality
- Manual roster modification of approved leave updates status to denied
- Enhanced schedule export report API to include "DateBelong" field
- Enhanced schedule method builder charging module
- Invert font color from background
- Calendar view for team activity
- Bulk edit ability to modify work pattern on roster
- Detail constraint that failed validation in generation audit log
- Enhance leave request page