Indeavor Schedule
Adding an in-app notification when a schedule generation is complete. Users should now see an orange icon appear in notifications in the top right of the Roster when a generation is complete, and clicking on the notification will reload the page to show the completed generation.
Note: This clip has been shortened for demo purposes. Generation times will vary depending on employee volume, number of dates selected, and algorithm complexity.
Demands API
Improving the following features:
Demand locking now prevents the locked demand from being updated during conflict resolution between new and existing demands. Locked demands will no longer be able to be updated unintentionally. Locking a demand now guarantees the demand will not be edited, unless manually unlocked.
Conflict resolution can now be set to apply on individual locations, rather than either applying to all locations or no locations within an organization unit.
Adding a new setting to enable Volunteering Ranking within Indeavor Engage.
**Please note the full feature set of volunteering ranking is not yet available in Indeavor Engage, but will be available in the near future.
Settings API
Adding a new setting that will be used in the future to enable Volunteering Ranking within Indeavor Engage, as well as updating system performance and security.
User Management
Removing the mapping field from the Qualifications Grid.
Skills API
Adding security update to the Skills API. Users should be unaffected.
Paganini API
Allows exports and imports to be run via Indeavor's new background processing engine, improving overall system performance and user experiences.
More information coming soon!
Demands API
Deleting demands via an import no longer continues to show a scenario as demanded when a template within the scenario has no demanded posts.