We're happy to announce the self guided transition from our current Qualifications to New Qualifications.
All customers are asked to schedule their transition to New qualifications by November 30, 2024.
Below are the steps for the free transition option: training content, KBAs and data transformation is provided by Indeavor and the rest is up to you. New Qualifications enable you to unlock new features such as Skills in Indeavor.
Self Guided Transition (free):
- All data will be migrated, so please review Jobs and Qualifications and inactivate any unused Jobs and Qualifications.
- Define your preferred transition date to New Qualifications, aiming for the earliest feasible date.
- Reach out to Indeavor support to request your transition date.
Note: x working days prior to the transition to the New
Qualifications cut off date is the necessary time for Indeavor to execute on
item #3 in this list (xx is the cut off day of the upcoming week).
4. Indeavor will turn on New Qualifications.
5. Indeavor will move your Qualification data.
6. Then, Indeavor will deactivate your current Qualification page & communicate when done.
7. Enjoy New Qualifications.
Note: any changes made after the transition has started (x days prior to
the New Qualifications cut off date), will not be included.
e.g. if the preferred cut off date has been set to Monday 3/18 any changes
made after 3/11 will not be included in the transition actions.
Training and Resources
To help you prepare as thoroughly as possible, we've provided the following Knowledge Base Articles (KBAs).
Feel free to explore the resources provided to ensure a smooth transition. We're here to support you every step of the way.