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Workloud 2.3.8 (9/27/2018)
2.3.8 (9/27/2018)
- Roster: Creating assignment notes no longer causes issues.
- Bulk editing future attribute values no longer affects today's value.
- Volunteering Opportunities now display the correct valid from/valid to times after an employee volunteers.
- Quotas are now working for secondary OUs.
- General performance improvement for volunteering in complex configurations.
- General improvements in transaction handling.
- Leave Short Name can now be displayed on Roster.
- Swapping now allows employees to package swaps, offer and counteroffer must contain an RDO and assignment.
- Improvements to messages in Stop/Delete Demand Planning pop ups.
- Notes are now bi-directional between Timecard and Timesheet.
- Minor improvements made to the Scheduling Method Builder Module.