Daylight Savings
Twice a year we have Daylight Savings, which can cause confusion if you don't know what to expect. Below are expectations and examples of what to expect in Indeavor in regards to Daylight Saving.
Indeavor respects the actual duration of assignments on Daylight Savings, so -1 in Spring and +1 in Fall. Below are more details to help you plan accordingly.
Spring Ahead
Your day or shift (as defined by your specific day divide) which includes 2 AM-3 AM hour period will be 1 hour less than the hours schedule.
This includes Aggregates and Constraints
For example:
Shift 3PM-3AM = 11 hours
Depending on your set up expect to see constraint violations that you don't normally see. For Example:
If you have a minimum hours between shifts of employees with an off-shift over the Spring Ahead will have 1 hour less than normal, which may cause a violation.
Fall Behind
Your day or shift (as defined by your specific day divide) which includes 2 AM-3 AM hour period will be 1 hour more than the hours schedule. This includes Aggregates and Time Entries, and the additional hour is represented on the Roster below.
For Example:
Shift 7PM - 7AM = 13 hours
Depending on your set up expect to see constraint violations that you don't normally see. For example if you have a maximum shift length of 12 hours set up as a constraint, then the above example will be a constraint violation on Fall Behind.
If you have any issues or questions about constraints, please reach out to for further assistance.