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Workloud 2.3.18 (5/7/2019)
2.3.18 (5/7/2019)
- Roster Options now allows Assigned Base Schedule Short Name to be exposed on the Roster, sorted or filtered by.
- Roster Options now allows you to filter to employees without and assignment on the Roster.
- Aggregates for RDOs now possible.
- Performance improvements to Employee Management when loading the list of employees and an individual employee.
- Performance improvements to the Requests page when loading requests.
- General performance improvements to the Roster, including loading Problem Solving profiles.
- General improvements to threading to improve interface run times.
- Improvements to transaction handling to improvement interface run times.
- Object Reference errors during API call has been fixed.
- Filtering in Smart Backfill Monitor now aligns with the Smart Backfill statutes listed.
- Tasks can now be cancelled from Queued Tasks.
- Special Assignments can now be copied and pasted.
- Corrective Charges Template no longer produces duplicate results.