This article will outline the workflows and best practices for
utilizing the Call Out Tool. The primary users of the application
are schedulers.
Note: This is a paid service - if you are interested in Call Out
Pro feature, please contact us for help at
The Call Out Pro application is designed to be able to provide an auditable, immutable record of an overtime calling process.
Starting a Call Out Process
1) From the Home page, click the Call Out icon
2) Select desired Organizational Unit (OU). To select an OU click the
icon in the top right corner. Then pick the correct OU from the drop-down list.
3) Select the desired Profile from the Profile drop-down menu.
4) Select the desired Date within the Date drop-down menu. This can be done by either clicking the calendar icon
and selecting a day from the calendar or click on the date and typing in the desired date.
5) Press the Start button
to begin this call out process.
Preforming an Overtime Call Out
1) Use the response column to indicate the employee's response to the offered overtime opportunity. This can be done by selecting the down arrow on the drop-down box and clicking on the appropriate response.
2) If you would like to make any additional notes regarding an employee's response, you can click into the Comment box at the end of the employees' row. Be sure to click Enter on your keyboard once you are finished making the note in order to save the comment.
3) If an employee responds 'Yes' to an overtime opportunity, you can create this overtime assignment within the Call Out Tool. This can be done by first selecting 'Yes' within the Response drop-down. Then click on the + Add Assignment button in the top right-hand corner. Fill out the Shift, Job, Start and End times, and any other required fields within the pop-up box. Once every field is entered, click the blue Add Assignment button in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up box. This will add the assignment directly into the main scheduling app/Roster.
NOTE: If you utilize the Indeavor Approval Tool, the overtime assignment created in the Call Out Tool will also appear in the Approval Tool.
4) If employees are volunteering last minute after a Call Out process has already been started, you can use the Append option to add these employees to the bottom of the Call Out list. This is simply done by selecting the Append button at the top of the page.
Completing a Call Out Process
1) When all required call outs/overtime opportunities have been filled and completed, click on the Finalize button in order to lock this call out process so that no additional changes can be made to this specific Call Out process.
2) If a copy of this Call Out process needs to be shared or printed, we have the option to export to PDF. This can be done by selecting the date and profile that you would like to print and then selecting the Export PDF button in the top right-hand corner.