Approval Tool
- Profiles are properly associating shift-only assignments with employees' primary OU (WL-9903)
- Previously processed/approved RDOs are no longer switching back to open status (WL-9916)
Roll Call
- Previously missing employees and posts are now showing up on roll call draft (WL-9918)
- Tour 1 templates are now showing employees from 11/18/19 (WL-9917)
Versioning (Indeavor Schedule 2.11.2, Roll Call App 1.11.2, Roll Call API 1.8.5, Callout API 2.0.5, Approval Tool API 1.9.4, Skills API 3.3.3, ETL 1.6.3, Identity 0.9.6, Rights API 1.4.2, Indeavor API 0.26.4, Algorithms API 1.0.1, Assignment Import API 1.0.6)