Advanced Features
- New Advanced Features App that contains Swapping and Swap Approval pages (WL-9559, WL-9798, WL-10398, WL-10399)
Indeavor Engage
- Ability to restrict when employees can request leaves using cut off rule (WL-10207)
- Holidays show up on My Schedule (WL-10208)
- Swapping functionality added (WL-9057)
Home App
- The app enforces clearing of browser cache for more accurate data presentation (WL-10018)
- Performance improvements to Home app (WL-10617)
Skills App
- The app enforces clearing of browser cache for more accurate data presentation (WL-10019)
Roles App
- The app enforces clearing of browser cache for more accurate data presentation (WL-10020)
Versioning (Advanced Features App 2.0.0, Home App 0.2.7, Skills App 1.2.4, Roles App 1.2.4, Approval Tool App 1.10.5, Identity 0.10.1, Indeavor API 0.30.0)