Indeavor Schedule
- Employee Management performance improvements (IND-3121)
- Modernize Interop API integration authentication method (IND-3593)
- Report improvements for PDF format
- Font size can be set by the user in Advanced Report Preferences
- Able to choose report font color via specific entity record Color Scheme field
- Demand Planning Shift drop-downs are sorted alphanumerically (IND-2562)
- Employee Vacation Planning Management Vacation Plans are sorted by (1) start date and (2) alphabetically (IND-3768)
- Indeavor Schedule app available in Greek (IND-3121)
Indeavor Schedule
- PDF formatting and highlighting fixes (IND-3590, IND-3455)
- Note: Colored Fields for PDF reports now change the Font Color of the Entity (instead of highlighting the selected entity)
- Employee Assignment Groupings Report - fix is still in process, please continue to pull in Excel
- Report Preferences: font and margins may need to be set to achieve the preferred layout, below are the steps:
- Able to save Job Location Classification group order number (IND-3684)
- Advanced Base Schedule preference validity date syncing with Base Schedule assignment date (IND-2328)
- Able to filter Roster Clearing to specific base schedule(s) (IND-3254)
- Able to create Volunteering Opportunities with future Valid To date (IND-2539)
Communications API
- Smart Backfill successfully executes even if one or more employees do not have valid phone number configured (IND-3530)
Versioning (Indeavor Schedule 2.38.0, Communications API 3.1.3)