Indeavor 101
- End of Year Readiness
- Indeavor Value Realization
- Operational Displays
- Indeavor Interactive Trainings
- Submit a Ticket to Indeavor Support
- Troubleshoot: Schedule Generation Methods (SGM)
- Access to Organizational Support Tickets
- Advanced Features: Swapping
- Assign User to a Role
- Assignment Notifications
- Associate an Attribute with a Base Schedule
- Associate an Attribute with a Job Location
Employee Management
- Add an Employee to Employee Management
- Add Contact Information to an Employee
- Assign a Base Schedule to an Employee
- Associate an Employee with a Fixed Employee Attribute Value
- Associate an Employee with a Non-Fixed Employee Attribute Value
- Auditing Employees
Scheduling Input Configuration
- Call Out Pro Processes
- Charge an Employee with Hours or Instances
- Create a Charge Bucket
- Create a Constraint
- Create a Constraint for Max Hours Worked per Day
- Create a Labor Demand Template
Demand Planning
- Create a Demand (Labor Demand Planning)
- Modify a Demand (Labor Demand Planning)
- Delete a Demand (Labor Demand Planning)
- Add a Post to a Demand (Labor Demand Planning)
- Modify or Delete a Post in a Demand (Labor Demand Planning)
- Create a New Labor Demand Template (Labor Demand Planning)
Roster Functionality
- Assign an Employee to a Leave
- Assign an Employee to a Training Job via Roster
- Assign/Reassign Employees via Loud Mode
- Change Employee Display Order
- Clear a Schedule for All Employees
- Clear a Schedule for One Employee
Leave Management
- Approve/Reject Leave Requests
- Configure a Consumed Balance Report
- Configure Employee Leave Balances
- Configure Leave Constraints
- Configure Leave Quotas
- Create a Pending Leave Request on Behalf of an Employee
- Common Reports
- Base Schedule Assignments Report
- Base Schedule Design Report
- Change Display Order on a Schedule Report
- Common Report Parameters
- Demand Templates Report