Leave Management
- Approve/Reject Leave Requests
- Configure a Consumed Balance Report
- Configure Employee Leave Balances
- Configure Leave Constraints
- Configure Leave Quotas
- Create a Pending Leave Request on Behalf of an Employee
- Create an Accounting Period
- Create Workday Leave Type with a Default Duration Set per Employee
- Filter the Leave Requests Page
- Leave Auto Approval
- Leave Balance Consumption Overrides
- Return an Approved Leave Back to a Request
- Vacation Planning: Configuration Definitions, Functionality Overview and Planning Strategy
- Vacation Planning: Request a Leave on Behalf of Employee
- Vacation Planning: Automatically Approve Vacation Planning Requests
- Vacation Planning: Configure Active Pick Rules
- Vacation Planning: Configure Approval Rules
- Vacation Planning: Configure Open Enrollment Rules
- Vacation Planning: Initiate Open Enrollment/ Active Pick Period
- Vacation Planning: Manually Approve Vacation Planning Requests